Catholic Resources
Links to other sites are provided on this site. These sites are provided for informational purposes only and are not necessarily sponsored by St. Aloysius Parish, Church or School.

Daniel E. Thomas
Eighth Bishop of the Diocese of Toledo
Fr. John Judie retired in July 2018 after 31 years as a priest and of active service in the Archdiocese of Louisville. A mentor to Fr. Mark Davis, former pastor at St. Aloysius, Fr. Judie made several trips to Bowling Green throughout the years to celebrate Mass and lead the parish in prayer. On his last trip here before his retirement, Fr. Judie spent the weekend celebrating all the Masses and leading us in a Gospel Night of worship on July 29, 2018. Click on the name of his Sunday message, "Hang Loose," and his Gospel Night message, "Good News for a Bad Day," to get a printable version of his inspiring words.