Service Ministries
The Food Pantry ministry calls upon the entire parish to help collect, sort, and store the food in the pantry and assist in the distribution. For questions or to volunteer even a few hours a month, please contact Laurie Hoyos at or call the Parish Office.
The mission of the Help and Hope Fund is to administer direct aid to those who lack food, shelter, or other necessities for their dignity and survival. The program works in conjunction with Wood County Area Ministries. The Fund supports our parish Food Pantry and the St. Louis Helping Hands Kitchen in East Toledo, where parishioners serve a meal each month.
10:00 a.m.-noon and 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Closed on Holidays
Funeral luncheons are offered for the family of any parish member who has died. The luncheon consists of ham, au gratin potatoes, corn, rolls, coffee, and lemonade. Additional food is donated by parishioners to supplement the meal including salads and dessert. The luncheon is held in the narthex for groups of up to 80 people. Larger luncheons are held in Hartmann Hall.
There are three community opportunities for parishioners to volunteer their services to this worthwhile ministry.
Kitchen Help: This involves 2-3 hours during the funeral luncheon to assist in the preparation, serving and cleanup.
Phone Captains: Working from home, this group of volunteers calls parishioners on the food donation list to solicit the donations of food for the luncheon.
Donations of Food: Parishioners donate a salad or dessert on the day of the funeral. Donated items do not have to be homemade. A store-bought item is happily accepted.
To volunteer or to be added to the food donation list, contact the Parish Office at 419-352-4195.
The Knights of Columbus was founded by a parish priest, Fr. Michael McGivney in 1882 and has grown into the largest Catholic fraternal service organization in the world with over 1.9 million members. KofC is for Catholic men, age 18 and older. The four core principles of the KofC are charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism.
The Bowling Green Holy Trinity Council #6373 offers support, both financially and manpower, to the two priests and the Catholic parishes in Bowling Green. It also has an insurance program for members and their families. The Council offers activities in the areas of church, family, community, youth, and culture of life.
Council meetings are held on the second Monday of the month, beginning with the rosary at 7:00 p.m. and the business meeting following at 7:30 p.m. The Knights generally meet in Clare Hall at St. Aloysius, but meetings are also held at St. Thomas More University Parish and other locations in BG.
For any questions regarding the BG Knights of Columbus, contact Grand Knight Todd Grillot at