Other Youth Ministries

BSA Scouting is open to boys and girls from the parish or the area. The scouts are encouraged to serve both the community and the parish. Catholic Boy Scouts in grades six through nine can earn the Ad Altare Dei Award; older scouts may earn the vocation-oriented Pius XII award. Any boy or girl who has earned Arrow of Light in Cub Scouts or who has finished fifth grade is invited to join Troop 485. Adult leaders are also welcome to join.
For more information, contact (boys): Mike Kleman at kleman.michael@frontier.com and (girls): Mike Brinkman at mbrinkm@dacor.net.


Cub Scouts at St. Aloysius is an award winning unit for conducting its program with excellence in religious emblems, program quality, and outdoor opportunities for youth in grades one through five. This 50-year-old pack combines outdoor activities, sports, and academics in a fun and engaging program that helps families instill ideals of honesty, respect, and citizenship. For more information contact Clint Weckesser via the Parish Office 419-352-4195.


Vacation Bible School is a week-long specialized religious education program designed to educate children about God in a fun way. For more information, contact Denise Brennan, Director of Religious Education at brennan.d@stalbg.org.