Liturgical Ministries
The Church "earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation … is their right and duty by reason of their baptism." [Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy] Liturgical ministries are an excellent opportunity to share the talents and gifts that God has given you in service to others and to participate fully in the celebration of the Holy Mass. Liturgical ministers, drawn from the community and trained by the parish staff, serve a variety of roles to assist the celebrant.
For more information, contact the parish staff member listed under the specific ministry at 419-352-4195.
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are trained to share Christ present in the Eucharist with our brothers and sisters in Christ whether assembled for worship or confined to their homes. They show reverence for Christ present in the elements of the Eucharist and for Christ present in the community. They offer hospitality to our brothers and sisters in Christ. They are EXTRA-ORDINARY because they are different from the ORDINARY ministers of Holy Communion who are the priests and deacons of the Catholic Church.
Training: Schedules are set on a three month rotation, so new trainees will be integrated into the schedule at the start of the next rotation. For more information, contact Paul Rosenberger, Director of Music and Liturgy.
Lectors proclaim the scripture readings and prayers of the faithful (petitions) at Mass. Lectors need to understand the scripture readings and convey them clearly to the congregation. A lector workbook, which helps lectors to better understand the readings and how to deliver them appropriately, is provided to each person serving in this role. Lectors choose the Mass or Masses at which they prefer to serve, and their frequency of service depends upon which Mass they choose. Lectors at 8 a.m. or 10:15 a.m. on Sundays read once every couple of months. Lectors at noon Mass on Sunday or 5:30 p.m. on Saturday read a couple of times in a single month.
Training: Provided on an "as needed" basis and new lectors are welcome to join the ministry at any time. For more information, contact Paul Rosenberger, Director of Music and Liturgy.
Altar Servers are boys, girls, men, and women who have learned the “flow” of the liturgy, so they are able to seamlessly assist the priest at the altar during Masses. The ministry is open to anyone in grades 4 and higher who has received his or her First Holy Communion. Children most often serve at weekend and school Masses. Adults most often serve at daily morning Masses.
Training: New servers are trained in October. Sign-up forms are sent home through school and religious education classes in the fall and are available in the church. For more information contact Tom Konecny, parishioner, at
Ushers are often the “Martha’s” of our community – whether they are men or women. They are the folks who reach out to others to ask, “What can I do to help?” Ushers serve the community by keeping things running smoothly behind the scenes. They help us find seats, take up collections, and assist anyone who may fall ill during Mass. Ushers also distribute bulletins at the end of Mass.
Training: Men and women who would like to become ushers should contact the parish office or or stop to chat with one of the ushers at the Mass they normally attend.
Special program at 10:15 a.m. Sunday Mass for children ages 4-8. Children leave the congregation after the Opening Prayer to hear the Word of God presented at an age-appropriate level by parent-volunteers and then return to church during the Offertory. For more information contact Michael Ginnetti, Pastoral Associate for Evangelization. MINISTRY CURRENTLY ON HIATUS.
Members of the funeral team assist grieving families during their loved one’s funeral. This is a ministry of compassion and hospitality as they welcome families who may or may not know their way around the parish. Team members attend to small details that make a big difference for the families, from making sure there are tissues in the pews to pointing the way to the restrooms to serving as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion as needed.
Three teams, led by a coordinator, take turns serving at funerals. Team members do not have to be extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, but it is helpful. If you would like to serve on a funeral team, contact the Parish Office.