A-Z List
ACTS Retreat (Adult Formation)
Three day off-site retreat for St. Aloysius parishioners to deepen their faith relationship with God and each other. Separate retreats for men and women.
Contact: Michael Ginnetti 419-352-4195
Altar Linen Ministry (Service)
Washes and irons altar linens, purificators, and other liturgical cloths.
Contact: Colleen Schroeder cschroed1954@gmail.com
Altar Servers (Liturgical)
Assist the priest in celebration the Holy Mass.
Contact: Tom Konecny konecny1@yahoo.com
Baptism Instruction Class
Prepares couples for the baptism of their child into the Catholic Faith.
Contact: Parish Office 419-352-4195
Becoming Catholic (Formerly RCIA)
Process for adults to formally enter the Catholic Church. The discernment and educational process begins in September and culminates with reception into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday.
Contact: Fr. Tom McQuillen 419-352-4195
Boy Scouts of America Troop #485 (Scouting-Youth)
Boy Scouts affiliated with St. Aloysius parish. Open to all youth who have completed fifth grade.
Contact (boys): Mike Kleman kleman.michael@frontier.com
Contact (girls): Mike Brinkman mbrinkm@dacor.net
Bulletin Assembly Team (Service)
Meets on Friday mornings to add inserts into the church bulletin for the weekend Masses.
Contact: Parish Office 419-352-4195
Cancer Support Group (Social)
Faith-based group that meets once a week in the Parish Center for prayer and support. Participants range from those who are going through various stages of treatment to those who have been cancer-free for years. Meets on Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Center. Group also does lunch dates, arts and crafts, and other activities.
Contact: Barb Whitman bawhit48@gmail.com
Canticle Choir (Music)
Adult mixed voice choral group that usually leads the music ministry at 10:15 a.m. and noon Sunday Masses.
Contact: Paul Rosenberger 419-352-4195
Cantors (Music)
Leads the congregation in sung praise at 5:30 p.m. Saturday Mass and the various Sunday Masses, including proclamation of the psalms and the sung components of the liturgy.
Contact: Paul Rosenberger 419-352-4195
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) & St. Aloysius Athletic Board (Youth)
Recreational sports program for Catholic youth run through the Diocese of Toledo. Volunteers organize youth teams in basketball, cross country, track,and volleyball.
Contact: Al Holman aeholman12@gmail.com
Children’s Liturgy (Liturgical)
Ministry at 10:15 a.m. Sunday Mass for children ages 4-8. Children leave the congregation after the opening prayer to hear the Word of God presented at an age-appropriate level and return at the Presentation of the Gifts. (MINISTRY CURRENTLY ON HIATUS)
Contact: Michael Ginnetti 419-352-4195
Christ’s Crib (Service)
Advent ministry that collects and delivers gifts of food, clothing, and Christmas presents directly to families in need.
Contact: Joanne Kessen, via the Parish Office 419-352-4195
Coffee & Donut Hour (Social)
Serves coffee, donuts, and juice after 8 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Sunday Masses for fellow parishioners.
Contact: Gary Simon g8sim@amplex.net
Cub Scout Pack #485 (Youth)
Cub Scouts affiliated with St. Aloysius parish. This 50-year-old pack combines outdoor activities, sports, and academics in a fun and engaging program that helps families instill ideals of honesty, respect, and citizenship in their children.
Contact: Clint Weckesser, via the Parish Office 419-352-4195
Dine & Wine (Social)
Potluck group for parishioners and their friends age 50 or better. Meets in the narthex on the third Sunday of each month for food, fellowship, and fun!
Contact: Michael Ginnetti 419-352-4195
Eucharistic Adoration (Service)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Fridays in Clare Hall Chapel.
Contact: Michael Ginnetti 419-352-4195
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Liturgical)
Assist the priest and deacon in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful at Mass.
Contact: Paul Rosenberger 419-352-4195
Family Faith Formation (Youth Formation)
Program committed to teaching the fundamentals of Catholicism to parish children who do not attend Catholic school and supporting parents in their role as the primary religious educators of their children. Family Faith Formation for grades one through eight is provided utilizing a model of experiential learning for parents and children.
Contact: Denise Brennan 419-352-4195
Family Rosary Group (Social)
Gathering of parish families who meet monthly to pray the Rosary together, thus reinforcing the importance of praying together as as a Catholic community and members of the Body of Christ.
Contact: Tom Konecny konecny1@yahoo.com
Finance Council (Advisory)
Advisory body of nine appointed parishioners who meet monthly to assist the pastor in the stewardship of parish finances, budgeting, and capital planning.
Contact: Denise Foos 419-352-4195
Folk Choir (Music)
Ensemble of instrumentalists and vocalists who lead the congregation in contemporary worship music at Sunday Masses.
Contact: Paul Rosenberger 419-352-4195
Food Pantry (Service)
Volunteers administer direct aid to those who lack food, shelter, or other necessities for their dignity and survival.
Contact: Laurie Hoyos, via the Parish Office 419-352-4195
Funeral Luncheon Team (Service)
Volunteers provide post-funeral luncheons for families of deceased St. Aloysius parishioners. Volunteers assist by working in the kitchen, obtaining food donations, and serving the meal.
Contact: Parish Office 419-352-4195
Funeral Team (Liturgical)
Members of the funeral team assist grieving families during their loved one’s funeral. This is a ministry of compassion and hospitality as they welcome families who may or may not know their way around the parish.
Contact: Parish Office 419-352-4195
Handbell Choir (Music)
Accentuates worship at weekend Masses with the cheery tones of English handbells.
Contact: Paul Rosenberger 419-352-4195
Knights of Columbus (Service)
The Knights of Columbus Holy Trinity Council #6373 supports St. Aloysius and St. Thomas More parishes and hosts a variety of programs in the areas of church, family, youth, community, and culture of life. The Knights of Columbus generally meet on the second Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in Clare Hall.
Contact: Todd Grillot tjgrillot23@gmail.com
Lectors (Liturgical)
Proclaim the Word of God at Mass.
Contact: Paul Rosenberger 419-352-4195
Life & Justice Committee (Service)
Focuses on the practical application of Catholic Social Justice teaching to meet local needs in the community. Assessment of current community resources, identification of where unmet needs are, and implementation of Catholic Social Justice principles to better the lives of others.
Contact: Deacon Phil Avina pavina@woh.rr.com
Life Teen (Youth)
Youth ministry for those in high school grades 9-12, with invitations extended to 8th graders in late Spring. Yearly activities and programming designed to further develop faith formation and a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ.
Contact: Nick De La Torre 419-352-4195
Lilies (Adult Formation)
A women’s group providing faith enrichment through sisterhood and prayer. Currently meeting weekly on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in Clare Hall. All ages, all stages—All are welcome.
Contact: Denise Brennan 419-352-4195
Lock-up Crew (Service)
Lock-up church, school, and offices at the end of the day.
Contact: Dick Hermes dnphermes@yahoo.com
Maintenance Committee (Advisory)
Oversees maintenance and upkeep of parish facilities, infrastructure, and grounds. Identifies, prioritizes, and initiates projects to maintain and improve the parish campus.
Contact: Steve Benner sbenner01@gmail.com
Men's Night (Adult Formation)
Various opportunities for gathering as Catholic men to support each other spiritually through fellowship, scripture reflection, and intentional prayer.
Contact: Michael Ginnetti 419-352-4195
Money Counters (Service)
Teams of volunteers who are responsible for faithfully counting the collection after weekend Masses.
Contact: Denise Foos 419-352-4195
Parish Development Committee (Advisory)
Parish Development is a process that invites input and involves parishioners in the long-range goals of the parish. The Development Committee and the various sub-committees implement activities and processes that work to advance the parish mission and vision for the future through the meaningful involvement of people who give of their time, talent, and financial resources. (MINISTRY CURRENTLY ON HIATUS)
Contact: Greg Robinette greg.robinette@gmail.com
Parish Retreat (Adult Formation)
A spiritual experience of Catholic community designed to take participants through a reflection on self, the Church and its Sacramental Life, and our community in the Body of Christ. Held in January each year.
Contact: Michael Ginnetti 419-352-4195
Pastoral Council (Advisory)
A body of parishioners who represents the people of the parish on specific needs as they arise and advises the pastor in meeting those needs. Responsible for overseeing, evaluating, and implementing the near- and long-term vision of the parish.
Contact: Fr. Tom McQuillen 419-352-4195
SAY FIAT St. Aloysius Youth Faith In Action Team (Youth)
Service-based middle school youth group for students in grades 5-8.
Contact: Nick De La Torre 419-352-4195
School Council (Advisory)
A body of members from St. Aloysius parish and school to advise the pastor and principal on all matters concerning the operation and preservation of St. Aloysius School.
Contact: Andrea Puhl principal@stalschoolbg.org
School Parent Association (Advisory)
Encourages and organizes parental involvement in St. Aloysius School activities and fundraising.
Contact: Andrea Puhl principal@stalschoolbg.org
St. Louis Helping Hands Soup Kitchen (Service)
Volunteers from St. Aloysius staff the soup kitchen operated by the Diocese of Toledo Catholic Charities once a month.
Contact: Deb Feehan, via the Parish Office 419-352-4195
Ushers (Liturgical)
Facilitate the smooth operation of Mass by welcoming the faithful, taking up the collection, distributing handouts, and handling needs that may arise during Mass.
Contact: Ken Ladik packerfan057@gmail.com
Vacation Bible School (Youth)
Week-long religious instruction program for Catholic youth each summer.
Contact: Denise Brennan 419-352-4195
Visitation of the Sick (Service)
Volunteers make weekly visits to distribute Holy Communion to those in nursing homes, hospitals, assisted living facilities, and homebound circumstances. Many opportunities are available to serve in this ministry of mercy to those unable to attend Mass regularly.
Contact: Parish Office 419-352-4195
W(h)ine & Crackers (Social)
Potluck social for young families, couples, and singles age 50 or younger. Meets in the narthex on the second Sunday of the winter months for food and family-friendly fun.
Contact: Michael Ginnetti 419-352-4195
Women’s Bible Study (Adult Formation)
Weekly gathering of women from surrounding parishes to study the books of the Bible together in a prayerful and social environment. Meets weekly on Wednesday mornings in Clare Hall.
Contact: Linda Kettinger lindakett@gmail.com